Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Christ is the END...


“For Christ is the end of the law of righteousness to everyone who believes” -Romans 10:4 
“Christ is the end...”  Of what?  “the law of righteousness...”  What’s that?  The law of righteousness refers to the Old Testament law - endless rules and regulations - some have even called it the law of perfection / the unattainable law.
There’s a side of me that like the law as it provides a formula to follow: A+B+C+D.... there in the equation lies the problem.... the formula / the equation continues to expand, to grow, to change, and ultimately leaving me tired, burned out, fatigued, frustrated, and dizzy.... In other words, I feel like a dog chasing it’s own tail when I pursue the law of righteousness.... the law of perfection.... the law found within the Old Testament.  
First things first, Christ has put an END to the Old Testament law.  
Why?  So that I would not be burdened, weighted down, or crushed by it’s endless rules and regulations.  What then was / is the purpose of the Old Testament law?  According to the New Testament, it’s to show me that I can not attain perfection!  Christ has put an END to the law, so that, He can offer a new way for me and others like me who get trapped, burdened, or frustrated by endless rules, regulations, and the continues moving target of perfection.
What does Christ offer me today?  FREEDOM.... How does that play out within reality?  For me it works out within a two part phrase, “(1)Do your best and forget the rest (2) Pour into my relationship with Him and others.”  What does that mean?  According to Proverbs I am to set goals, go after them, evaluate the results; however, the task and results (good / bad) don’t define me.  I’m defined as a Son of God - His workmanship.... THAT’S IT.
How does that fit into my goals / my day?
  1. Make a plan.
  2. Prioritize time with God, family, work, and friends as HIGH priorities.
  3. Work hard, diligently, and wisely - revising the plan along the way if needed.
  4. At the end of the day resting in who I am.... God’s Son / His workmanship / approved by Him as Christ has brought an end to the law of righteousness.... of perfection... and has set me FREE.   
God, I’m amazed how much YOU desire to guide me as I come before YOU and be still for a few minutes.  Thank you for the conviction of Your Spirit, correcting my heart, soul and mind back to You. YOU are my steadfast hope. Please help me to please You.... captivate my heart, my mind, my soul, and help me live in such a way that honors YOU.-Trevor
My devotions also found on my blog’s:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where is God's wisdom in the midst of my reality?

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Where is God's wisdom in the midst of my reality?

God said to Solomon, “Because your greatest desire is to help your people, and you did not ask for wealth, riches, fame, or even the death of your enemies or a long life, but rather you asked for wisdom and knowledge to properly govern my people—I will certainly give you the wisdom and knowledge you requested. But I will also give you wealth, riches, and fame such as no other king has had before you or will ever have in the future!” -2 Chronicles 1:11-12 
I’m always inspired by Solomon’s choice to ask God for wisdom.  He could have asked for anything and yet his wish was to lead God’s people well. God blessed this unselfish act and He promised Solomon wisdom and so much more. 
My prayer is that I would all have more wisdom – wisdom to discern right from wrong, moral from immoral, good from evil – and in today’s world where everything is up for grabs and standards are changing at breakneck speed, that’s not as easy as it used to be.  
As a Christian, we often feel the tension of being in the world, but not of the world need wisdom. Lines are being drawn, sides are taken and friendships are tested, as we have to stand firm for God. We want to be able to speak to those who need it the most, but the world is pulling us further apart by making the extremes more acceptable. 
How can I still be a positive influence, if people don’t see us as relevant?  Can I seek wisdom from God for self promoting / selfish reason?  If God knows everything and know the outcome of Solomon’s choices why was he granted this gift of wisdom?
It’s here I’‘m thankful that God extended wisdom to Solomon despite his outcome - why?  Because it give me hope.... despite my selfishness, inward focus, and countless flaws....
So how can I personally apply what I have pondered and learned? 
Wisdom in the midst of my reality is found in simple obedience to God’s word.  What does that look like?  Today, I’m in need of following Solomon’s example and simply being with Jesus... learning to listen....(listening is so hard at times).... to hear His voice..... and when to respond.
God, once again I find myself convicted.   I’m amazed how much YOU desire to guide me as I come before YOU and be still for a few minutes.  Help me not be selfish as you teach me eternal / timeless wisdom!  Help me show others the way home, back to the Father, and how to develop a genuine relationship with YOU. My prayer isn’t that God will bless my family with material and temporal riches because I ask for wisdom, but rather that we can win others to Christ because of that wisdom. Thank you for the conviction of Your Spirit, correcting my heart, soul and mind back to You. YOU are my steadfast hope. Please help me to please You.... captivate my heart, my mind, my soul, and help me live in such a way that honors YOU.-Trevor

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Essentials, as I live for Jesus


“remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” -1 Thessalonians 1:3

Paul encourages the Christians in Thessalonica in his introduction of the quality of their faith, hope and love. The church was previously planted and established by Paul, before persecution made it’s way to them. This left the Christians to develop their faith in a land influenced with idolatry, rituals of religion and questions about life after death.

Sounds like a modern day struggle.

What is essential to cultivate a genuine growing relationship and walk with Jesus?

Remembering, that Christ’s time has been examined by historians.  Faith is not a blind action but a logical reaction to historical evidences. 

To have faith in Christ is key. The work of faith, living out my conviction and belief in Him is part of my Christ honoring responsibility.  

Labor of Love speaks to me in areas I need to live out - especially when I get lazy, weary or when I don’t feel like loving those who irritate me. I have the love of Christ in me - do I have the labor of love living through me?

Steadfastness of hope in Jesus. This speaks most loudly to my heart. My mind, heart, emotions waver. I hope in Christ, but he steadfastness part hits me. I question my steadfast hope in Christ, to really aid me to be a Jesus witness. Especially living out my “work of faith and labor f love” for others.

Bottom line:  Jesus help me cultivate a genuine growing relationship with you.

God, once again I find myself convicted.   I’m amazed how much YOU desire to guide me as I come before YOU and be still for a few minutes.  I have lived “less than” I should unto you, towards others. I should know better. I should live better. Thank you for the conviction of Your Spirit, correcting my heart, soul and mind back to You. YOU are my steadfast hope. Please help me to please You.... captivate my heart, my mind, my soul, and help me live in such a way that honors YOU.-Trevor


Monday, May 7, 2012

Rape, Shame, Isolation... where’s the redemption?

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Rape, Shame, Isolation... where’s the redemption?
“Amnon said, “Send the servants out of the house.” After they had gone, 10 he said to Tamar, “Serve the food in my bedroom.” Tamar picked up the bread that she had made and brought it into Amnon’s bedroom. 11 But as she was taking it over to him, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me!”  12 She answered, “No! Please don’t force me! This sort of thing isn’t done in Israel. It’s too disgusting! 13 Think of me. I’ll be disgraced forever! And think of yourself. Everyone in Israel will say you’re nothing but trash! Just ask the king, and he will let you marry me.”  14 But Amnon would not listen to what she said. He was stronger than she was, so he overpowered her and raped her. 15 Then Amnon hated her even more than he had loved her before. So he told her, “Get up and get out!” - 2 Samuel 13:9-15

Tamar’s brother Absalom said to her, “How could Amnon have done such a terrible thing to you! But since he’s your brother, don’t tell anyone what happened. Just try not to think about it.”  Tamar soon moved into Absalom’s house, but she was always sad and lonely. When David heard what had happened to Tamar, he was very angry. But Amnon was his oldest son and also his favorite, and David would not do anything to make Amnon unhappy.”  - 2 Samuel 13:20-21
Internally, I find myself screaming out: 
As a bi-stander / reader.... I can feel Tamar’s pain and Absalom's unsettling, growing hatred toward Amnon.  

A few questions come to mind:  
Why is this in the Bible?  

Why do individuals intently inflect so much pain on others?  

Why are people capable so such great evils without remorse?  

Despite David’s favoritism, why didn’t his anger move to him justice or disciple?  

Amnon’s actions mixed with David’s inaction totally FRUSTRATE, INFURIATE, IRRITATE, & ANGER ME!!!!
Despite Amnon’s knowledge of the bible (Leviticus 18:11) prohibiting sexual relations between half-brothers and sisters he still acted - why?!?!?!!!!  Was it his overwhelming desire for her?  Come bro!!!! Self-control!!!!  

Was it this desire mixed with his cousin, Jonadab’s advice - to lure Tamar into his quarters by pretending to be sick and desiring her to cook a special meal for him?  Now that makes more since but defiantly does NOT make it right!  The sinister / master mind is reviled.... but what’s in it for Jonadab?  

Was Jonadab trying to find favoritism with Amnon as he was the heir-apparent to David’s throne?  

Sometimes, the end game “why?” can not be found and that can leave my soul and mind in turmoil....  I can’t ask these men, I can’t sit and talk, or trying to understand them because i have no relationship with them... and I can’t take the pain, hurt, and action away Tamar...  
What I do know from being molested is their are years of shame, isolation, and mind games that continue to follow.... ....  

So, where is the redemption for Tamar (me / others)?  

For Tamar, is it found two years later, when Absalom sends his savants to kill Amnon at a feast to which he had invited all the kings’ sons (2 Samuel 13) to avenge the wrong committed against his sister?

Where is redemption found?

My personal application
One of God’s greatest gifts and curses for mankind just maybe the FREEDOM to choose.
Jesus doesn’t express disapproval of Tamar (me / others).
Jesus doesn’t declare Tamar (me / others) to be unfit.
Redemption is found in knowing that Jesus came for those hurting and in need.  Through time and walking with 
Jesus Tamar (myself / others) can experience FREEDOM & GRACE from LIFE MOST HURTFUL MOMENTS.
43 You have heard people say, “Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.” 44 But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you.” -Matthew 5:42-44 CEV

Redemptions road doesn't always look as I picture it in the moment of pain......

God, often I look for a way to make wrongs - right - and in so doing I consider committing another wrong.  It’s here I remember the moment I crossed paths with the man who molested me.... I remember hearing his voice.... the emotions that were triggered.... and then hearing and watching two little kids cry out, “daddy!”  Lord, protect those children and change that man’s life.... bring him to the point of change or .... ..... ...... God, for those that have giving into a dark plot, intentions, and desires.... may YOUR justice come.... however, YOU choose to bring it.... YOUR WILL not mine BE DONE... I once again trust YOU to direct me towards the path of redemption - captivate my heart and mind once again.... help me crave time like this daily!!!!  Thank you God. -Trevor