Blog: Reality AND Spiritualism
“For Christ is the end of the law of righteousness to everyone who believes” -Romans 10:4
“Christ is the end...” Of what? “the law of righteousness...” What’s that? The law of righteousness refers to the Old Testament law - endless rules and regulations - some have even called it the law of perfection / the unattainable law.
There’s a side of me that like the law as it provides a formula to follow: A+B+C+D.... there in the equation lies the problem.... the formula / the equation continues to expand, to grow, to change, and ultimately leaving me tired, burned out, fatigued, frustrated, and dizzy.... In other words, I feel like a dog chasing it’s own tail when I pursue the law of righteousness.... the law of perfection.... the law found within the Old Testament.
First things first, Christ has put an END to the Old Testament law.
Why? So that I would not be burdened, weighted down, or crushed by it’s endless rules and regulations. What then was / is the purpose of the Old Testament law? According to the New Testament, it’s to show me that I can not attain perfection! Christ has put an END to the law, so that, He can offer a new way for me and others like me who get trapped, burdened, or frustrated by endless rules, regulations, and the continues moving target of perfection.
What does Christ offer me today? FREEDOM.... How does that play out within reality? For me it works out within a two part phrase, “(1)Do your best and forget the rest (2) Pour into my relationship with Him and others.” What does that mean? According to Proverbs I am to set goals, go after them, evaluate the results; however, the task and results (good / bad) don’t define me. I’m defined as a Son of God - His workmanship.... THAT’S IT.
How does that fit into my goals / my day?
- Make a plan.
- Prioritize time with God, family, work, and friends as HIGH priorities.
- Work hard, diligently, and wisely - revising the plan along the way if needed.
- At the end of the day resting in who I am.... God’s Son / His workmanship / approved by Him as Christ has brought an end to the law of righteousness.... of perfection... and has set me FREE.
God, I’m amazed how much YOU desire to guide me as I come before YOU and be still for a few minutes. Thank you for the conviction of Your Spirit, correcting my heart, soul and mind back to You. YOU are my steadfast hope. Please help me to please You.... captivate my heart, my mind, my soul, and help me live in such a way that honors YOU.-Trevor
My devotions also found on my blog’s:
Blog: Reality AND Faith
Blog: Reality AND Spiritualism
Blog: Trevor Drinen