Processing MY emotional reality through Proverbs
“Discontentment and hate stir up trouble; contentment and grace overlook the wrongs that others do.” (Proverbs 10:12 CEV)
I find myself needing to define some terms:
Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike that can be directed against individuals, entities, objects, or ideas. Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, extreme discontentment, and/or a disposition towards hostility. Commonly held moral rules, such as the Golden Rule, oppose universal hatred towards another.
Discontent is the lack of contentment; dissatisfaction with one's circumstances. A person who is dissatisfied, typically with the prevailing situations.
How does being hateful / discontentment stir up trouble?
Personally... ...they both cloud my judgement, fog my perception, and are often outwardly mis-perceived.
Hatred takes me to a bad place emotionally, physically, and mentally.
While, discontentment often brings me to a place of questioning. Questions press me towards clarification and a place of decision.
In the midst discontentment I understand how I can processes things differently.
Contentment is 'acknowledgement and satisfaction of reaching personal capacity.' The level of capacity reached may be sought after, expected, desired, or simply predetermined.
Grace has been defined as "the love and mercy given to us by God because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it". It is understood by Christians to be a spontaneous gift from God to man - generous, free and totally unexpected and undeserved and without any strings or requirements attached.
If discontentment and hate stir up trouble while contentment and grace overlook the wrongs that others do.
I find myself needing to ask a few questions so that I can apply this verse into my life. What two things would I like others to show me? What two things would I like to prevail in my life towards others?
Hatred would be out.
However, for my personality I need a minor spice of discontentment mixed with grace and love.
Often when I am content I get stuck...if i become overly content I lean towards the point of laziness. However, if my life is has a degree of discontentment mixed with grace and love I'm open minded, continue to learn verses obtain tunnel vision and become close minded.
It's here I am reminded that I need to freely extend to others all that Jesus extended and continues to extend to me -- even in the midst of me not fully understanding..
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