Thursday, August 4, 2011

Only One

Today’s reading: 2 Chron 29; 2 Chron 30; 2 Chron 31; James 4 NIV
“ 11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?” -James 4:12 NIV
Slander or defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—refers to a malicious, false, not specific enough to verify a spoken statement or report.
As I process slanders definition this morning four additional questions come to mind:
Question #1: Why do family members and close friends “slander” one another?
There are various reasons and answers to this question - personal insecurity, pride, selfishness, a desire to harm, a twisted self response, etc... Let’s continue digging....
Question #2: How can I personally stop “slandering”?
In a previous devotional reading James stated, “19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” - James 1:19-20
Defiantly, there is a few points of truth here that would assist me:
  1. “Quick to listen”, 2) “Slow to speak”, 3) “Slow to become angry”, and (I would add another biblical concept) 4) “Quick to take things back to heart.”
I remember shortly after talking about / “slandering” someone I paused.... pondered things for a bit.... and asked God, “Where is my heart in this?” Here’s what the Lord said, “Start pruning back. Prune back until you see the heart again. Prune back your initial / quick response - prune back on taking personal offense - and listen well.... ‘take things back to heart’ - take things back to want you know is true (of the situation, individuals, etc) - take things back to a learners perspective - ‘take things back to heart.”
Question #3: When the author of the James 4:11 references “the law” - I find it critical to note that he is probably referring to the “new testament law.”  And if this “law” referred to here is the “new testament law” that was established through Jesus’ work on the Cross and not the “old testament law” - how should that modify my take on the text?
Question #4: Who am I to judge my neighbor?
What’s my take (aka. what I get out of this). Especially questions #3 and #4?  1) My performance is no longer a primary point. 2) Today, I live under a Post Cross covenant or “new testament law” according to the New Testament. 3) I am not God or an individuals ultimate judge; in other words, who I’m I to withhold that which God has extended to me?
Bottom line application: First, my salvation and my faithfulness are all about Him and is not something I can loose because Jesus has paid (past, present, & future) the price - unreal concept.  Secondly, as I slow down and listen well to God’s word - not becoming offended but processing things through what I know as true of God / taking things back to heart - I will be able to shift from the “old law” to the “new law.”  Seeing a personal life transformation along the way.  Third.... I am not to play God.... It’s His role and mine to journey through this life alongside Him.
Help me slow down in life and make time for that which is most important both now and eternally. God, Thank you for fulfilling your promises....  From the side of logic to emotions and back again - passing over that sweet center balance point slow enough to know that’s where I would to live my life.  This morning, I just ask that You would guide me to that point.  Help me navigate today and guide my footsteps for tomorrow.  Please let me always feel the weight of my need for You. I pray that it would stir up my affections for You, leading to deep worship and a surrender of every area of my life. I need a revelation from You as I remember there is only one God.... - Trevor
live under the freedom of God’s grace.”-Romans 6:1- Trevor

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