Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Authentic vs Pretentious Living Requires Listening & Responding

Today’s reading: Psalm 81 NASB
SCRIPTURE  Authentic vs Pretentious
“....He will established it for a testimony in Joseph when he went throughout the land of Egypt.  I heard a language that i did not know; “I relieved his shoulder of the burden, his hands were freed from the basket.  You called in trouble and I rescued you....I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” -Psalm 81:5-6,10 NASB

“.... but my people did not listen to My voice, and Israel did not obey Me. So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, to walk in their own devices. Oh that My people would listen to Me.  That they would walk in My ways!.... Those who hate the Lord would pretend obedience to Him and their time of punishment would be forever.  But I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.....” -Psalm 81:11-13 // 15-16 NASB

Psalm 81 is consider to be one of the twelve Psalms of Asaph.The Psalms of Asaph (לְאָסָף) were composed in the northern territories of Israel during Biblical times. They underwent some redaction after 722 BC, but appear to have been intact by the post-exilic period. The origin and identity of the person of Asaph is ambiguous, and it is difficult to know whether or not there was an identifiable progenitor for this family name. The Asaphite priests had a pre-exilic role to provide musically-based or induced prophecy, and a post-exilic role singing praise to God.
As I read this Psalm 81 verses 5-6,10-13, & 15-16 stood out in the midst of a key principle of Listening: Comprehension vs. Hearing appeared.
Let’s go, Psalm 81:5-6,
Here, I found the Psalmist referencing how God established Joseph’s testimony (life’s story).  Joseph went from a brother to an out cast - from a slave to ruler.  As I attempt to engage the text, I find myself attempting picture Joseph’s circumstances.  Emotionally broken (sold into slavery by his own brothers), physically weary (traveled hundreds of miles by foot with little nourishment or care), and mentally challenged (struggled to learn the Egyptian language).  How many times did Joseph call out to God?  How long did Joseph pray before God answered? ....before Joseph’s burdens were lifted? ...before his hands were freed? 
To often I picture God’s relief coming immediately.  To often I visual God swooping down like SUPERMAN “to save the day” within the moment.  The truth - God provides relief within His timeframe and not mine.  Why? I don’t know.  No matter the timeline - the end result speaks loudly as God did bring Joseph up from the land of Egypt - and God will save me.
Let’s go, Psalm 81:11-13 // 15-16,
Between verses 10 and 11, I came across an interesting grammatical transition.  What?  From a focus on Joseph moving to a focus on the nation of Israel as a whole.  This is noted in the following grammatical phrases, “My people,” “My voice,” “Israel,” and “Me.”  Wow!  The Psalmist is paralleling Joseph’s life and the National of Israel within a ‘real-time’ comparison.
Within Psalm 81:11-13 and 15-16 a few key phrase stand out,
“My people (Israel) did not listen to My voice....” -vs 11
“Israel (my people) did not obey Me.” - vs 11
Then what happened?

“So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, to walk in their own devices.” - 12

Wow, this sounds a bit like a few sections of my life’s story!  Respectable guidance from my dad, a close mentor, an old friend, and what do I do... not listen!  What are the results of not listening?  Discovering things through consequences / the hard way.

Let’s continue in Psalm 81,
“Oh that My people would listen to Me.  That they would walk in My ways!” -vs 13.  As I read these words my heart broke and my mind honed in as I related to God’s heart ache as a father.... as I once again got a glimpse of what I took my father through....

The Psalmist concludes by saying, “Those who hate the Lord would pretend obedience to Him and their time of punishment would be forever.  But I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.....” -vs 15-16.  “....pretend obedience....” According to Wikipedia “A pretender is one who claims entitlement to an unavailable position of honour or rank. The original meaning of the English word pretend, from the French word prétendre (from the Latin prae-tendo lit. "to stretch out before" means "to put forward, to profess or claim"; this predates today's more common English meaning of "pretend", which is to claim falsely.”

....I’ve “pretended obedience” to God. Why?  I choice self gratification over God’s guidance.
When did I realize I was “pretending obedience” to God?  I knew it from the moment I mentally made the decision. When I choose to sin - I choose to enter a state of “pretending obedience.”

During that season, God allowed me to see things (in my life) which made me sick to my stomach!

The importance of daily interactions with God via reading the Bible.
Reading (check). 
Listening & responding (Importance of slowing down and writing out my thoughts / interaction with the text via observations / applications).
As I allow God’s word (the Bible) to read me it keeps me Authentic vs Pretentious.

Jesus, once again, I’m amazing at the simplicity and priceless work You accomplished on the Cross.  Thank you, for speaking directly to the culture / time when you walked the earth - thank you for empowering me (us) with the incredible gift of “freewill.” Help me daily aline my heart, my mind, and my life to You - Jesus.  Help me make time for that which is most important - TIME W/ YOU.  Continue to refine and guidance my heart & mind - thank you for being a God that daily gives me great life lessons. ThankYOU. - Trevor

Helpful links in overcoming “pretentious living”: www.xxxchurch.com, www.x3pure.com, www.x3watch.com, www.relevantmagazine.com, http://developer.enewhope.org/api/bible.php

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