Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why do we fall; so that, we can learn to get back UP

Have you ever encountered something really big?  Something inspirational, something so powerful that you felt compelled to tell everyone you possibly could.
In a moments all the stress, uncertainty, fear and worry about what’s not getting done that comes along with being self employed was replaced with a deeply fulfilling, almost zen-like sense of accomplishment and belonging.
I feel like I’m doing exactly what I was meant to do at this moment.
This is what people mean by “doing something you love.” At times I doubt - sometimes putting that idea down and then lifting it up. Now I probably sound like a mental self-help lunatic.
How can I talk about "doing something you love" if I'm not daily doing it?  How does one convince others to follow their dreams if they're not chasing their own?  What does it mean to be a dream chaser?  What's the difference between successful & unsuccessful dream chasers?  I've heard countless inspirational and motivational speakers saying, "Follow your dreams!"  True fully, I wondered if only those that have succeed are entitled to such commits?
Corbett Barr recently said, "I don’t care how cheesy it sounds. I want you personally to do what you love, follow your dreams and find your true calling. I wish everyone would give their dreams a real, honest shot. If you fail, the comforts of your old life will be there waiting for you. But I promise, if you really try, if you really commit to making your dreams come true, you’ll probably succeed. And if you don’t succeed, you’ll gain more from your failure than you would from your current situation. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try?"
Okay... Then why am I so scared to try?!?  As a society we’ve decided that greed and celebrity and consumerism are more important than friends and experiences and helping people out.  What happened to, "treating others like you would want to be treated."
How come it's easier to see the potential in others verses in oneself?  
The more I wrestle with these internal question the more honest and real I'm able to be with others.  Now that's somewhat of a strange and empowering irony.  It's within that empowerment that I remind myself it's "baby steps" towards fulfilling my dream.  So the question remains, Am I talking steps towards or away from my dream?
I can’t guarantee I’ll succeed at what I set out to accomplish, but I do know in order to fulfill my dreams I must start out with a realistic target.  Ya, I'll have had plenty of failures along the way, but the greatest failure would be to not try. Recently, I've tasted the bitterness of  wondering what might have been if I quit and never dared to dream again...
“Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.” —Claude T. Bissell.

“The trick in life is to fall down seven times but get up eight times.” -Paulo Coelho
Fear is a real emotion inside everyone however courage, will, & determination can prevail against the darkest of circumstances holding the potential to turn dreams into reality. Here’s to the journey!  Here's to falling down; so that, we can learn to get back up!  Here's to pressing through and discovering our created purpose!  Here's to LIVING OUT that purpose to the fullest possible extent. 
Shoot's me your story or share this post with someone who could use it.
Please share with me what would be on your list?

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