Monday, March 11, 2013

Find a lighting rod friend

What’s this? Well, a lightning rod is a device to protect a building from lighting. It’s a metal rod that is placed on the highest part of a building. Its purpose is to protect the building from lightning by conducting the lightning to the ground. Therefore, if lightning strikes a building that does not have a lightning rod, lightning will go through the wires and fry all the electronic equipment in the building. However, if a building has a lightning rod, the lightning will seek the lightning rod. By doing so, the rod saves the building from harm.

As for us, a lightning rod is someone who loves Jesus, loves you, in that order. It is someone who is a friend. It is someone whom you have given permission to speak into your life. This is why it is absolutely crucial for each one of us to identify someone whom we give permission to speak in to our lives. It is to help control our tongues and it is a part of our growing up in Christ.

Above all, this person will speak into you life about your marriage, finances, attitude, moods, activities and your actions. Here is what the Bible says about this kind of friend, “A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Pro. 18:24). Hence, when you find a friend who is a lightning rod in your life, hang on to them.

Again the Bible says we won’t have too many of these. For it says, “too many friends cometh to ruin. But there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother”.So identify this person in your life. And when you need someone to talk to, this person will already be in your life.

I had a friend who was a lightning rod in my life. But he has passed on. He was a wonderful old man who was like a grandfather to me. Whenever I’d get upset, I’d call him. Let me just say, He was a person who would never take sides. Nor would he bear a grudge or shoulder an offense along side with me. Whenever I was upset, he’d say, Wayne come on over, let’s have some soup.

Yes soup! I remember him making some soup as I sat in a chair. Although I was upset, he would calm my spirit down by saying, let’s just have some soup. He was indeed a friend who stuck closer than a brother to me.

Moreover, if you’re married, your spouse may or may not be your lightning rod. As for me, my wife is not a lightning rod to me. She loves me so much that if someone offends me, she’d get upset at that person. So to protect her, I share the victory side. In other words, I work it through, and then I’d share it with her.

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