Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why NOT play in the sand?

01.21.14 why play in the sand? There is no right way to use sand. There's no rules, guidelines, or limitations to the sand.  It calls ones imagination and invites total participation; it permits children to make and test hypotheses; while, testing each adults ability to be a child again and have fun. 

It stretches the imagination; it provides a potentially soothing sensory experience; and it is an excellent avenue for developing deeper physical, cognitive, and social skills. 

Why? How? Because sand play is open-ended, each individual determines the direction and path of his or her own play. This freedom then clears the way to unbound creative concepts each time we dare to engage.

Here's to getting airborne and launching off the sand hills with all it's screams and thrills!  To rolling down sand covered hills!  And to deeply enjoying each sandy thrill - young and old alike the sand calls us out to play, create, and test or limits once again.

What's your favorite moment about playing in the sand? 

#sand #oahu #hawaii #kailua #kailuabeach #selfhelp #randomthoughts #questions by #trevordrinen 

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