Monday, February 18, 2013

Dealing With Set-BACKS

We don't always plan ahead like we should. We especially don't plan ahead for a "set back."

What I mean by a "set back" is, we see our lives a lot of times (have a "vision" of how things are going to go), but we rarely consider the inevitable bumps along the way. It's easier to be optimistic - Tom Hanks - after all. Everyone likes to be around Tom Hanks and it makes us feel good to not consider potential pitfalls.

And so we forge ahead. 

Inevitably "set backs" will come.

And I think we would handle set backs better if we thought ahead about how to deal with them. It's the purpose of having some direction.  Now the following is my list and may not work for you - but hey its a start.

Some Ways to Deal with a Set Back:

Avoid stuffing (denying) emotions (talk to somebody). Live in reality with faith that the sun will come out tomorrow.

Remember past set backs and how you bounced back.

Have a plan ahead of time for when things turn sour (start setting some money aside. even if its $2 per week ). Every individual on this planet started walking by taking baby steps - it's the same with money. Start small but start now.

See a set back not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity (what good might come of it? what can I take away form this?).

Read quotes, read a book, or watch a movie about others who have overcome impossible odds.

Realize there are no quick fixes; over time you can recover.

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