Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help. -An Inspirational Short Story

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help. -An Inspirational Short Story

Today, my mom received the surgery she needed to remove a malignant tumor.  My family has been struggling without medical insurance since my dad lost his job last year.  My sister and I have been openly discussing my mom’s medical dilemma on Facebook.  Last week, a friend of a friend, who’s a veteran cancer treatment surgeon who owns his own practice, saw our comments on Facebook and volunteered to help my mother for free.  -Anonymous

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Timeless Thank You. -An Inspirational Short Story

A Timeless Thank You. -An Inspirational Short Story

Today, on our 10th wedding anniversary, she handed me a suicide note she wrote when she was 22. It was dated the exact day we met each other.  And she said, “For all these years I didn’t want you to know how foolish and unstable I was back when we met.  But even though you didn’t know, you saved me.  Thank you.” -Anonymous

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Beautiful Words. -An Inspirational Short Story

Beautiful Words. -An Inspirational Short Story

Today, my Tom turned 91.  He barely has enough strength to speak.  But every time his wife Sarah (she’s 84) walks into the room to check on him, he says, “Hello beautiful.”  -Anonymous 

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Seeing Beyond Present Circumstances. -Inspirational Short Story

Seeing Beyond Present Circumstances. -Inspirational Short Story

Today, my son turned 7 and I turned 23.  Yes, I had him on the day I turned 16.  The choices I made when I was a teenager were foolish, and sometimes I get worried I’m bringing my son up wrong.  But today I took him to the park to celebrate our birthdays.  He played for hours with a girl who has burn scars that cover most of her face.  When my son took a break to eat, he pointed to her and said, “She’s so pretty and cool!”  Which left me thinking, “I must be doing something right as a mom.”  -Anonymous 

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Challenges With Being A EPIC Giver

My Challenges With Being A EPIC Giver are sometimes ever consuming!

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” -2 Corinthians 9:7

The context is a firm but gracious reminder by Paul to the Christians in Corinth to fulfill their promise to give to the poor and needy in Jerusalem. Paul points them to their love and submission to Jesus and HIs good news, recognizing the grace of God upon them. Paul is intentional about connecting their Christianity to the centrality of Jesus - His grace, and gospel.

I’ve been hearing about churches pushing giving, tithing, offerings - from friends.  Articles have been published about tithing and churches running as a profit businesses. The financial pressures are high for many churches, businesses, families, and people - to make ends meet, pay off debt accrued, rent, utilities - not to mention just having some extra spending money for a little pleasure. I know of people even going into debt - to pay a tithe, give offerings through their credit card as they feel emotionally pressured by the church - Lord Help us! 

I’m convicted and challenged to teach New Testament giving - that God is able to make all grace abound toward us. Not to be givers out of guilt, compulsion or the needs of the church, ministry, poor, needy. Grateful for all that Christ has done, is doing, and well do. This heart posture and mindset is what I desire to have, when I give to God - not unto the “church or man.” Whatever I decide in my heart may very well be the will of God, as I give with a grateful, generous, cheerful heart.... otherwise - should I be giving? 

That’s not an excuse for me NOT GIVING as sometimes I need to be obedient - only I can determine that. For me it comes down to my personal trust and confidence in God - mixed with my personal perception of wisdom :-).  In Andy Stanley’s book Deep & Wide he says, “Confidence in God - that God is who he says he is and that he will do what he has promised to do.  As trust or faith, is at the center of every healthy relationship - as trust or your faith in someone goes, so goes the relationship.... Sin was introduced to the world through a choice not to trust (God’s word).... The entire Old Testament is the story of God saying, “Trust me.”  At the cross, sin was forgiven and we were invited to trust.  It makes perfect sense that salvation comes by faith, not obedience.  Walking by faith, is simply living as if God is who he says he is and that he will do everything he has promised to do.  As a person’s confidence in God grows, he or she’s” grows into a genuine growing relationships with Jesus Christ.    

I need to correct my heart. The Lord knows the motives of my heart and I need to be transparent before Him.  

Lord Help me to be a generous, grateful and joyous giver… unto YOU!! May my giving not be because of compulsion, need, guilt, pleasing man, looking good or any other evil motive. I want to be a reflection of You, giving as unto You, with a worshipful and grateful heart. -Trevor

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Leadership Ego Vs Discipleship Oriented

Leadership Ego Vs Discipleship Oriented

Everyone has a natural aroma, whether good or bad, you can only disguise it with cologne and
perfumes for a short while. A lot of time to get rid of the bad aroma we have to use good ole soap and water.

Just like your natural aroma, we have a leadership aroma. Sometimes we stink and try to hide it with seminars and books, but after awhile it wears off and we stink again. In order to really get of that stink we need something stronger like soap. One of the challenges of being a leader is willing to get to root cause of your bad aroma.

Why do you desired to development yourself as a leader?  

How do you define leadership and what does that look like?  

Without first answering these and other personal questions you may be in danger of chasing the carrot that is ever before you and never attainable.  

You cannot hide your underlining reasons for leadership within books or seminars because the bottom line revolves around your heartOne thing I have noticed about individuals we give a leadership title away to is that they help others succeed.  It’s a life style for them not just something they talk about, or do every now and then.

This can be a challenge to some because it is a lot easier to put on some “perfume” / “act” and smell good or pretend for a short while.  But it is a lot more difficult to “clean your whole body” or “live life transparently” before others.  

It is a challenge to all, and I see myself in it right now. I really believe you can not figure it out over night because it can take be a long process with many realizations and fixings.  And sometimes we do not realize we stink and takes someone else to let us know.

Individuals are in need of deep character transformations and sometimes inner healing in order to reach there created potential. 

On this road to leadership many struggle with EGO the most. It seems every time I let my ego get in the way it is because I want something without considering ramifications towards others or what it could do for others.  The bottom line is that I want to lift myself up without lifting others up.
Is leading by Ego the best way?  Yes, we want to be successful and alone, but at what cost? I believe fully that ego can lead to success in the short-term but like the leaders of Enron and Arthur Anderson it can catch up to you. We can only fill our ego for so long before it needs more. 

One of the questions I continue to ask myself to keep my ego in check is, “Am I here to be served or to serve?” 

This question is one of the keys that Ken Blanchard writes about in his book “Lead Like Jesus.”

Ego driven people think they own everything. The own their relationship, they own their possessions, and they own their position. In fact, they perceive their identity as the sum of their relationship, possessions, and position.

Called people, on the other hand, believe everything is on loan. They believe their relationships are on loan; they know that we have no guarantee we will those we love tomorrow. Called people also believe their possessions are on loan are to be held lightly, to be enjoyed and shared with an open hand.

Attaining a position of leadership is often driven by our ego or a inner wound. Discipleship invests in others and lifts them up.  Discipleship makes great leaders; however, if we focus on leadership alone we may be in danger of cultivating a “platform” person with out any depth.

“Leadership degrees can be attained through courses which only pass on knowledge. They can’t teach character or vision-and indeed they don’t even try. Developing character and vision is the way individuals are silently transformed into leaders.” – Warren Bennis “On Becoming A Leader”

With character and vision comes trust and direction.  Anyone can direct people, but it is character and vision that bring people back again and again to be lead because they trust the individual knows where they are heading.  Let’s keep a beginners mind that is discipleship oriented vs driven by an ego of leadership.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Grandpa's Wisdom. -An Inspirational Short Story

Grandpa's Wisdom. -An Inspirational Short Story

Today, my grandpa keeps and old, candid photo on his nightstand of my grandma and him laughing together at some party in the 1960’s.  My grandma passed away from cancer in 1999 when I was 7.  This evening when I was at his house, my grandpa caught me staring at the photo.  He walked up, hugged me from behind and said, “Remember, just because something doesn’t last forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while.”  -Anonymous

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Operating from a cluttered OR freed mind

Am I operating from a cluttered OR freed mind.

“We are sure about all this. Christ makes us sure in the very presence of God. We don’t have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own. God gives us what it takes to do all that we do. God makes us worthy to be the servants of his new agreement that comes from the Holy Spirit and not form a written Law.  After all, the Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life. -2 Corinthians 3:4-5 CEV 

The Second Epistle to the Corinthians, is often referred to as Second Corinthians (and written as 2 Corinthians), is the eighth book of the New Testament of the Bible. Paul the Apostle and "Timothy our brother" wrote this epistle to "the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia".  

Here in chapter 3 verse 1 we see Paul being justifiably annoyed that he would have to explain his apostolic credentials to the church he had founded.  We also learn that just as people use résumés today to introduce themselves to a prospective employer, in Paul’s day traveling preachers and evangelists introduced themselves with letters of recommendation from various churches. Paul had written letters of recommendation on behalf of Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2) and Timothy (1 Corinthians 16:10-11). These letters helped Paul’s trusted companions and friends find a welcome in various churches.  Apparently, some false teachers had started using letters of recommendation to gain a speaking platform in the Corinthian church (see 11:13-15). These traveling hucksters of the Word of God, as Paul called them (2:17), had come to Corinth with these letters—perhaps authentic, perhaps forged—and were asking the Corinthians to recommend them to other churches. 

Here in chapter 3 verses 2-3, this “letter” of Christ had been delivered by Paul and his coworkers; they were messengers for God and his glorious Good News of salvation. It was written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God on the hearts and lives of those who believed. The Holy Spirit, who was working in the Corinthians’ hearts and was a guarantee of the Corinthians’ glorious inheritance in heaven, affirmed the authenticity of Paul’s message.  Next, we find Paul comparing this letter from Christ written on the Corinthians’ hearts to the Ten Commandments written by the finger of God on stone. Paul’s point is clear: The signs of the Spirit’s work in a person’s life are superior to any kind of writing, whether it was a church’s recommendation or the law of God etched on stone (see Exodus 31:18). The imagery of writing on human hearts comes from the prophet Ezekiel. This Old Testament prophet had predicted that one day God himself would remove Israel’s heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh, a heart that would follow God’s decrees because God himself had written his law on it (Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 36:26-27). Paul was declaring to the Corinthians that the day Ezekiel had predicted had come. The Holy Spirit was writing God’s law on their hearts and changing them on the inside.

Paul did not want to have anything to do with vain boasting - Paul had asked who was competent (or adequate) for the task of preaching the Good News (2:16). In this verse, Paul answered his own question: Only those who are called by God will have power and success. This was a jab or verbal slap to Paul’s opponents in Corinth. They had boasted of their wisdom (see 1 Corinthians 2:1), their eloquence (11:6), their superior Jewish ancestry (11:12), and, as it has become clear in this passage, their letters of recommendation. In contrast, Paul refused to boast in himself. Instead, he boasted in Christ’s strength, which had become evident through his weaknesses (11:30) and the trials he had endured for the cause of Christ.

Verse 6, ends with saying, “God makes us worthy to be the servants of his new agreement that comes from the Holy Spirit and not form a written Law.  After all, the Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life. Trying to be saved by keeping Old Testament laws will end in death. Only by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ can a person receive eternal life through the Holy Spirit. No one but Jesus has ever fulfilled the law perfectly; thus, the whole world is condemned to death. Under the new way, eternal life comes from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives new life to all who believe in Christ.

Questions about the 2 Corinthians 2:1-5
2 Cor 3:5 says, “We don’t have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own.”  I’ve studied and received high grades, I’ve worked and earned promotions, I’ve trained and finished triathlons - Why? Don’t I have the right to claim that which I’ve accomplished on my own?  I’ve provided security and finances  for my family and myself over the last several years - have I not accomplished that on my own?

2 Cor 3:6 says, “Under the new way, eternal life comes from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives new life to all who believe in Christ.” What is the new way?  What is the Holy Spirit and how does this spirit provide eternal life as people believe in Christ?

Personal Questions & Thoughts
As I continue to wrestle with a sea of endless questions that tug at both my mind and heart - I reminded of the context and target of Paul’s words.  But even there my questions linger.... so I must answer my question with additional questions.

As I ask, “don’t I have the right to claim that which I’ve accomplished on my own?”

Yes and No.  Yes, I do have the right to claim that I’ve accomplished things, but ultimately where does my strength to accomplish all that I have come from?  Where does the desire come from?  How does my mind expand and retain?  What do I do to keep my heart beating?  How is my life sustained?   Not only does God sustain life He take it away - this causes my mindset to expanded beyond myself.  So, “don’t I have the right to claim that which I’ve accomplished on my own?”  Yes and No - ultimate the source that’s enabled me to accomplish everything found within my created potential / provided by my creator and sustainer of life.

“Under the new way, eternal life comes from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives new life to all who believe in Christ.” What is the new way?  What is the Holy Spirit and how does this spirit provide eternal life as people believe in Christ?  Freedom is new way. Christ’s death on the cross bought freedom for anyone who believes (1 Corinthians 6:20). He frees us from sin and the condemnation that results from trying to obey the law (Romans 8:1-4; Galatians 3:21-24). He frees us from the fear of death, the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:17-18). Jesus even frees us from the evil powers of the age (Galatians 1:4). Christ frees believers from the same mental veil that covered many of the Jews to whom Paul was preaching (3:14).  When we trust Christ to save us, Jesus removes that heavy burden of trying to please him. His light dispels our ignorance, giving us a clear understanding of the gospel. By trusting Christ, we are loved, accepted, forgiven, and freed to live for him.  John 14: 26-27 tell us, “the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you. I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.”  The Holy Spirit or God’s spirit provides us with a peace and assurance that Jesus’ provides eternal life.  This does not mean that we will not question, but that our questions will have answers through our interactions with God and the Bible.

Just as Moses took off his veil when he went into the Lord’s presence, so too all Christians can behold God’s glory with that veil removed. Unlike the Jews, who had to rely on priests to mediate between them and God, Christians through Christ’s saving work on the cross have direct access to the Father (Ephesians 2:18). Thus, under the new covenant, all believers can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. In contrast, under the old covenant only Moses had access to the Lord’s presence and thus could reflect his glory. But now all Christians can be like Moses. Thus, when Christians, who are given access to the Father through Christ’s work, look at God’s glory, they begin to reflect his holy character in their lives, becoming more and more like him. As a result of this encounter with God, they are forever changed. The Holy Spirit works through believers’ lives, step by step, helping them come closer to God’s perfect way of living. It occurs little by little as the Holy Spirit points out more areas of our lives that need to be submitted to God’s will; and we, then, freely submit to God. The Holy Spirit works through the preaching of God’s word, the reading of Scripture, our prayer life, and the wise guidance of other mature believers to lead believers on God’s wonderful path of righteousness.

Back to the text as a whole.

The prophet Jeremiah (Old Testament) spoke of a new covenant when God would write his law on his people’s hearts (see 3:2).  As verse 6, concludes with saying, “God makes us worthy to be the servants of his new agreement that comes from the Holy Spirit and not form a written Law.  After all, the Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life. The Law or the old way refers to the Old Testament Scriptures, the summary of the law of Moses or Old Testament Commandments. Paul’s letter to the Romans shows that Paul denied that following the law can achieve salvation. Instead, the law only makes people conscious of their sin, the sin that ultimately leads to death (Romans 2:29; 3:19-20; 6:23; 7:6). Trying to be saved by keeping Old Testament laws will end in death. Only by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ can a person receive eternal life through the Holy Spirit. No one but Jesus has ever fulfilled the law perfectly; thus, the whole world is condemned to death. Under the new way, eternal life comes from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives new life to all who believe in Christ.

Lord, I need your help on digesting this in multiply ways.  “You and the Holy Spirit are one and the same, and it is Your that set me free.” - 2 Corinthians 2:17 CEV.  God help me know, live, and embrace the FREEDOM that You offer.  I’m finding myself captive in a negative mental game - often beat up by my own judgement and self evaluations.  Holy Spirit please lead, guide, and show me the Freedom You offer.  Help me, shift to Your ways and let go of old hurtful patterns.  Please lead me towards true FREEDOM - a freedom not based on western culture or my personal mindset but a true freedom from you.  Give me a beginners mind and teach me how to operate out of freedom verses a cluttered mind. -Trevor

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Returning Home. -A Inspirational Short Story

Returning Home. -A Inspirational Short Story

Today at 1AM, my grandma, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, got up, got into my dad’s car and drove off.  We contacted the police.  But before the police could find her, two college kids pulled into our driveway with my grandma.  One was driving my dad’s car and the other was following in their car.  They said they overheard her crying about being lost at an empty gas station 10 miles away.  My grandma couldn’t remember our address, but gave the kids her first and last name.  They looked her up online, found our address, and drove her home.  -Anonymous

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