Thursday, January 30, 2014

Anxiety + Fear = ?

01.30.14 I woke up this morning feeling a bit of anxiety mixed with a dash of fear.


1) Mindful about $$$$ (but who isn't to some degree)

2) Feeling fearful about situations beyond my control (PDST / Work)

It wasn't until I made the decision to pull over, stop, and get out of my truck to watch the sunrise that is was able to calm these seemingly relentless emotions.  As I stood on the cobble stone wall waiting two simple timeless truths came to mind:

1) No matter what, be present right where you are. The tricky part of life (and a secret to great communication) is paying attention - embracing the everyday, imperfect right now, and then making something of it.


2) When feeling afraid, press in. Each of us have an instinctive physiological response to uncertain and possibly threatening situations, which causes a chemical reaction or readies one either to resist forcibly or run away (commonly known as "fight or flight") 

Watching the sunrise while experiencing both of these very real emotions due to external circumstance - I decided breathed deeply and decided to once again dig in and forge ahead.

Here's to today and all the possibilities it hold despite my emotions.


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