Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pure laughter, where does it go?

01.10.14 as I pulled the truck next to the curb, my ears were filled with the sound of laughter!

Such joyous, free, unrestricted laughter is commonly found within the lives of children; however, as people grow older sometimes this precious gift of joy slips away much like sand running through ones fingers. 

Where does the pure laughter go? 

Is it drowned out by the stresses and pressures of age?  Does the chocking grasp of money and drive for success kill it off?  Is pure laughter something only found within children?

The questions we could ask go on and on - as every person has journeyed a different path, is wired uniquely, and has different trigger points of stresses / joy.

As the laughter outside this enclosed truck continued to roll through my ears and tickle my mind - I begun to wonder if laughter is found simply within a choice?

To let myself be a kid again!

To join in on the pure untampered moments.

To look like a complete fool, living within the moment as I child does so well.

Here's to two brothers sitting in a lawn chair - laughing - enjoying - and being completely free within the moment.

Thank you, for showing one old man the path back to simplicity and freedom!  I'd rather be a silly old man than a grumpy one - any given day!

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