Saturday, January 4, 2014

Lairs, me and you alike! (The value of our word)

01.04.14 emotionally and physically weary after a very limited night sleep.  As I was awaken by the birds singing, my mind recalled a promise to my son - "that we would go to the beach for a morning swim." We seemed to dance in and out of the morning waters as we were chilled by the wind and the chilly morning waters.

Have you ever had to choose between what you wanted to do vs what you promised to do?

The dancing came to an end and I plunged into the crisp waters of the pacific - emerging to a smile and joyous laughter from my son - applauding me as if I defied death itself and he embraced the opportunity to join me.

As adults we keep our word to employers, boards, committees, and why not to those we should cherish far more?

As we are only four days into this new year I am overwhelmed with appreciation, respect, loyalty, and love for those I call family. Yet, it's those very individuals that I harm.

The least I can do is keep my word to them as the highest priority.  I pledged my heart to my wife, "for better, for worse, in sickness, in health, in prosperity, in poverty, until death do us part." I now see these words were pledged to not only her but echo to our children and their children. 

Here's to doing my best to keep my word and forgetting the rest!

#trevordrinen #dailyjourney #thoughts #selfhelp #personaldevelopment #leadership #leadfromwithin #hawaii #lanikai #kailua #oahu

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